Tech – OPTIC
The East Orlando Chamber of Commerce presents OPTIC: Orlando’s Professional Technology & Innovation Collaborative which is designed to pair Solution Seekers with Problem Solvers. The collaboration between major corporations, growth/mid-stage companies, startups and research universities in Central Florida. OPTIC showcases the innovation needs of member companies to solution providers locally and globally, facilitating development, commercialization and deployment of new science and technologies to ultimately strengthen and bolster economic growth here in Central Florida.
Our Mission
To lead, educate and collaborate with Council Members and Partners to develop and promote the Central Florida region as a robust and supportive environment that is fast-tracking the innovation process.
Who we are: Solution Seeker to Solution Solver
The East Orlando Chamber of Commerce presents OPTIC: Orlando’s Professional Technology & Innovation Collaborative which is designed to pair Solution Seekers with Problem Solvers. The collaboration between major corporations, growth/mid-stage companies, startups and research universities in Central Florida. OPTIC showcases the innovation needs of member companies to solution providers locally and globally, facilitating development, commercialization and deployment of new science and technologies to ultimately strengthen and bolster economic growth here in Central Florida.
This is not your typical Council Membership. OPTIC is a Tech-to-Tech mastermind group seeking real solutions without the fear of being sold to by non-technical entities. Each member is carefully vetted to ensure participation is true to the mission of the council membership.
What we do:
OPTIC provides key opportunities to connect with the people, processes and products that will significantly impact your business and professional growth. Programs and activities are designed to foster company growth and success by providing professional insights and strategy, executive networking, industry exposure and business development opportunities. OPTIC events are hosted quarterly, providing information through engaged conversation between the panelists and attendees.
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